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BCMSTM Compliance Products

From the onset you will know that BCMSTM is not your typical healthcare consulting company.  Forget about the headaches and frustrations you’ve experienced before.  You now have trusted consultants ready to help you navigate the seas of ever-changing healthcare regulation.
accessible care

Compliance Program (Program)

Our marque product is our Compliance Program. It encompasses federal regulations mandated by the Department of Health & Human Services (HIPAA, Medicare/Medicaid, Fraud & Abuse, Non-discrimination) and the Department of Labor (OSHA, EEOC, ADA) as well as ‘best practice’ processes .  It has fully scribed policies and procedures specific to outpatient therapy (Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy & Speech-Language Pathology) . These policies and procedures are not just an outline or a list of things to include, but, rather, are actual word documents with substantive content.  Additionally, our Program provides support forms, resources, staff training, and risk mitigation tools to assist in effective implementation.

(Also available: Partial programs for solo practitioners and Part B in Home-based providers. 

BCMS Learning Resources

BCMS learning resources consist of pre-recorded webinars with handouts included so you and your staff may tune into them at your convenience via a private video link. Our webinars are excellent orientation tools as well as mechanisms to assist in meeting regulatory education requirements (HIPAA, Bloodborne Pathogens, HazCom, Infection Control). All webinars are a one-time purchase and can be viewed by all staff members.

Service driven leadership