by Mary Daulong PT, CHC, CHP | Jul 8, 2022 | physical therapy compliance, Physical Therapy HR
Understanding how to properly use the Medicare Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN) is critically important because it has financial, fraud, and abuse consequences. Using it correctly could permit providers to collect monies legally that may otherwise have been left on...
by Mary Daulong PT, CHC, CHP | Oct 8, 2021 | physical therapy compliance, Physical Therapy HR
By Mary R. Daulong, PT, CHC, CHP Question: Re-evaluation Documentation Where do I locate the required content of the Re-evaluation CPT code 97164? Answer: There are two references you should use to assist you in your re-evaluation documentation and rationale for...
by David Harris | Jan 18, 2021 | physical therapy compliance, Physical Therapy HR
Question: Does the telecommunication waiver for off-site (virtual) supervision of assistants apply to physical and occupational therapy private practices? Answer: Yes, virtual supervision of PTAs and OTAs absolutely applies to both physical and occupational therapy...
by anmahoney | Mar 26, 2020 | Physical Therapy HR
We know it has been challenging to navigate all the staffing and HR related decisions for physical therapy owners during the COVID-19 pandemic. The information below is designed to explain options and enhance your decision-making process. The data is current as of...
by Mary Daulong PT, CHC, CHP | Feb 10, 2020 | physical therapy compliance, Physical Therapy HR
Q: Can Physical Therapist Assistant be classified as exempt employees? A: No, based on just a clinical position description. Physical Therapist Assistants, without additional job duties, usually do not meet the job criteria to qualify for exempt status as defined by...
by bcmsmarketing | Jul 25, 2019 | Physical Therapy HR
Physical Therapy HR (Human Resources) is an important component of the operations of any physical therapy practice. Employees are the key to any business’s success, so when an employee comes to you and reveals that they are struggling with an illness and need sick...