I run an outpatient orthopaedic physical therapy clinic. We are a one location clinic with 6 physical therapists. This review for BCMS is long overdue! I’d like to start off first by acknowledging the tremendous help Mary and her team has provided during the COVID 19 pandemic. We are grateful for the guidance they provided.
I run an outpatient orthopaedic physical therapy clinic. We are a one location clinic with 6 physical therapists. This review for BCMS is long overdue! I’d like to start off first by acknowledging the tremendous help Mary and her team has provided during the COVID 19 pandemic. We are grateful for the guidance they provided. They boiled down the massive amounts of COVID 19 information and provided concise details that were applicable to an outpatient physical therapy clinic. Initially, this information was provided to us weekly and at times bi-weekly. The information gave us the confidence we were moving forward with the best available information for us to navigate the pandemic. There were times when we needed to contact the team at BCMS directly to review specific scenarios. I can not tell you how valuable that was to our organization! Secondly, we just completed our very first Medicare Audit. Having experienced this first hand, we could not have completed this process successfully without Mary and the BCMS team!. It started with the initial request from Medicare. Had I followed the outline Medicare provided, we would not have had a successful outcome. Mary knew exactly how to respond to the request and she provided an outline that was much more in detail. This allowed us to strengthen our response and ensured we proved every important detail. It is comforting to know BCMS has our back as we continue to move forward. Thank you!
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